Pedestrians are the most vulnerable on roadways in Pennsylvania. They are no match for a vehicle speeding down the road in a collision. That is why it is up to drivers to pay attention and know the right of way rules when it comes to pedestrians. This will help to...
Month: July 2019
How do I know if I have a malpractice case?
When you get medical care in Pennsylvania, you expect that your doctor will be skilled and ethical. You do not expect him or her to do anything to cause you harm. However, doctors are people, too. They sometimes make mistakes. However, how do you know when a mistake...
The psychological effects of facial disfigurement
Accidents can happen to even the most cautious people, so even the most prepared Pennsylvanians ought to be aware of the full extent of catastrophic injuries. Most victims, doctors and legal teams only focus on the physical effects of injuries as they can cause...