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How can you recognize a TBI?

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2022 | Personal Injury

After suffering from a blow to the head, it is possible and even likely for brain trauma to follow. Of course, the severity of this trauma can vary greatly depending on the type of blow that caused it along with other factors.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) prove to be among the most difficult to treat and recover from. To that end, it is important to recognize them as quickly as possible in order to get fast treatment.

Physical signs that immediately manifest

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention take a look into traumatic brain injuries and the steps to identify them. First, many TBIs will manifest some symptoms right away if severe enough. Some victims might end up rendered completely unresponsive or unconscious, with victims of very severe trauma even falling comatose.

Others may experience immediate and excruciating headaches that worsen over time or maintain their level of pain without any signs of easing up or getting better. Some victims experience tinnitus or a ringing in the ears. Nerve damage may also manifest, with victims experiencing mobility issues or pain in their body, especially along the spine.

Behavioral red flags

In addition, emotional and behavioral cues might indicate a TBI. Victims could present as extraordinarily confused and disoriented, while others may seem agitated and emotionally distraught, lashing out angrily at their loved ones with little rhyme or reason.

It is important to get quick treatment for these severe injuries. A professional medical examination is the best way to identify the severity of the injury itself, and only a doctor can prescribe accurate treatment and potentially alleviate dangerous swelling in the brain that could otherwise cause permanent damage.