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Preventing head and neck injuries on backyard trampolines

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2024 | Personal Injury

According to Policy Genius, 100,000 people each year visit emergency rooms with injuries they sustain on trampolines. Of these, 500 will have to live with permanent damage to their head, neck or spinal cords.

Trampolines in the backyard offer kids an exciting way to expend energy, but parents should take steps to keep their children safe.

Establish and enforce clear rules

Setting and enforcing rules is the foundation for trampoline safety. Make it explicit that you do not allow somersaults, flips or any high-risk maneuvers. Communicate the potential dangers associated with these actions to ensure that your children and their friends understand the importance of adhering to the established guidelines.

Teach proper jumping techniques

Educate your children on proper jumping techniques to reduce the risk of landing incorrectly. Emphasize the importance of bouncing in the center of the trampoline and landing on both feet. Encourage controlled and coordinated movements, discouraging any attempts at ambitious tricks.

Always provide supervision

Active supervision is a key element in preventing catastrophic trampoline injuries. Ensure that there is always an attentive adult present when children are using the trampoline. This supervision allows for immediate intervention if you see unsafe practices, helping to mitigate the risk of head and neck trauma resulting from high-impact landings.

Invest in safety features

Consider enhancing your trampoline’s safety by investing in additional features. Protective padding covering the springs and frame, along with safety nets, can reduce the risk of injuries. These features create a barrier between jumpers and hard surfaces, providing an extra layer of protection during play.

Limit access for younger children

Consider the age and size appropriateness of the trampoline for the users. Younger children may lack the coordination and body control required for safe trampolining. Older children can better follow safety guidelines and avoid engaging in high-risk maneuvers.

While you strive to create a safe environment, you should also consider the legal aspects of trampoline use. In the unfortunate event that a friend of your child sustains an injury, you may be liable.