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Preventable birth-related medical errors

On Behalf of | Feb 27, 2019 | Malpractice

Childbirth is one of the most anticipated events in the lives of most Pennsylvania families. Expectant parents often experience joy and anxiety in equal measure as they await the arrival of their child. The last thing on their mind is wondering if the doctor or other members of the medical team are trustworthy and capable of handling the birthing process. The team at The Homyak Law Firm, P.C. often represents clients injured as a result of a medical professional’s negligence.

According to Legal Nurse Consulting PDX, there are several common errors during childbirth that can permanently or temporarily harm you or your child:

  • Failure in diagnosing or preparing for potential complications
  • Incorrect dose or medication
  • Waiting too long for a cesarean section
  • Inappropriate use of delivery tools such as forceps or vacuum extractor
  • Negligent fetal monitoring
  • Failure to treat or identify an infection

Some of these errors occur as a result of communication problems between delivery team members. However, issues such as proper monitoring of the fetus and mother or infections may be the result of negligence on the part of the primary health care professional, whether it is a physician, midwife or other medical provider.

Hospitals and other birthing facilities typically have standards of practice dictating the procedures required at every phase of the process, from check-in to delivery. By taking these measures, labor and delivery rooms are safer than ever before, and fewer complications result in injury.

Expectant mothers and their unborn children require proper care throughout pregnancy. If you or your child sustain an injury at or near the time of birth, there may be grounds for a claim. Visit our webpage for more information on this topic.